Please click on the E-poster button next to your poster title at the bottom right side of the page after logging in.
Abstracts those accepted as Poster Presentation will be presented at the E-Poster Presentation Sessions in person or virtually at EHOC 2021.
- The E-poster is a poster presented as a PDF presentation.
- The E-poster presentations will be presented on November 11, 2021 on November 11, 2021 at 18.20-19.00 (local time)
- The authors who will attend the meeting in person will present their posters will deliver them in Poster Presentation Room at the hotel.
- The authors who will attend the meeting virtually will present their posters as pre-recorded video presentations.
- The authors who will present their posters as pre-recorded video presentations must send their video files via a transfer link to latest by October 29, 2021 / 23:59 (local time)
- All authors who will present a poster must upload their E-posters via “Upload System” on this page by October 22, 2021 / 23:59 (local time)
- The posters those will be uploaded must be one of following formats .bmp, .jpg, .png, and file size can be maximum 5Mb.
- Uploaded posters will be available at the resourse center of the virtual meeting portal.
- Uploaded posters should contain the same title, order of authors and affiliation details as the submitted abstract.
- E-posters must be in horizontal format, 1 page per poster.
- The upper part of the poster should be separated as presentation title, author names and affiliations.
Poster Submission Deadline: October 22, 2021 / 23:59 (local time)
Video Presentations Submission Deadline: October 29, 2021 / 23:59 (local time)
Congress Dates: November 10-13, 2021
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